With regular bulk shipments to Dancewear For You from DSI-London - we can pass on great savings to our customers on all things DSI!
How to order DSI-London Fabrics, Crystals, Trim from Dancewear For You
- Visit the main DSI-London Web Site
- Either add items to your shopping cart then send a screen shot of your cart to us via email or simply email your shopping list directly to us
- We will calculate your order with delivery to your location and be back to you in a flash
Dancewear For You has been providing quality, ONLY genuine DSI-London products to our customers for over 10 years. We are an official authorised supplier of DSI-London and can provide ALL ITEMS from DSI-London to our customers at great prices. Let us know your wish list, your location and the date you need your items and we will be back to you ASAP.
For DSI-London couture made to measure, Mens premium made to order Latin Shirts and Pants etc you can also email for todays price.